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Условно зарегистрированные породы

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Условно зарегистрированные породы – это породы, которые находятся «на испытательном сроке», собаки этих пород относятся к одной из групп FCI, могут получать титулы, однако эти титулы будут действительны только через обозначенный срок.
Генеральный Комитет МКФ напоминает странам-членам и контрактным партнерам МКФ, что собаки этих породы не могут претендовать на титул CACIT до тех пор, пока эти породы не будут признаны на постоянной основе. Тем не менее, они могут получать титулы МКФ (Победитель Всемирной выставки, победитель выставки секции - Европы, Азии и Тихоокеанского региона, Америк и Карибского региона).
Также, на родословных собак этих пород может быть размещен логотип МКФ.



Тайская собака Thai Bangkaew Dog


FCI-Standard N°358

ORIGIN: Thailand.


UTILIZATION: Companion dog.

FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 5 Spitz and primitive type.

Section 5 Asian Spitzes and related breeds.

Without working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The Bangkaew Dog is an old breed that originated from the Bangkaew village, in Thanang-ngam area in the Bang-rakam district of Phitsanulok province in Thailand. The breed traces its ancestry back to a cross between a Buddhist abbot’s local black & white female dog and a now extinct wild dog producing today’s breed.

In 1957, selective breeding from single litters produced the generations seen today. The Thai Bangkaew Dog is regarded as a precious heritage of Phitsanulok province. The dogs are bred widely in the province and have become so famous nationwide that they now are bred in every part of Thailand.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: The Thai Bangkaew Dog is a square built, well proportioned dog, never low on legs, with fairly wide and deep chest. It has a double-coat that should form a ruff around the neck and shoulders and a pluming tail, more pronounced in males than females. Males have larger bone than females.


Length of body / Height at withers is 1 : 1. Length of legs slightly superior to depth of chest.

BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: Alert, intelligent, loyal, watchful and obedient. The breed is easy to train. It could be slightly aloof towards strangers.



Skull: The skull is wedge-shaped and should be strong, fairly broad but not coarse, and in proportion to the body.

Stop: Clearly defined, but moderate.


Nose: Black and in proportion to muzzle.

Muzzle: Of medium length, broad at base and tapering toward tip. Nasal bridge should be straight.

Lips: Tight with dark and full pigmentation.

Jaws/Teeth: Upper and lower jaws are strong and with full dentition. Scissors bite. A pincer bite is tolerated.

Eyes: Medium sized, almond shaped. Colour should be black or dark brown.

Ears: Small, in proportion to head, set on rather high but not too close together, triangular with tips slightly pointed, erect and pointing forward, only slightly hooded.

NECK: Strong, muscular, blending smoothly into shoulders, proud carriage.


Back: Viewed in profile, straight and level.

Loin: Strong and broad.

Croup: Moderately sloping.

Chest: Fairly wide, deep, well let down between forelegs and extending to the elbows, ribs well sprung but never barrel shaped.

Underline and belly: The belly is only slightly tucked up.

TAIL: Moderately long, well feathered, thick towards the base, well set on and carried with moderate upward curve over back.



Shoulder: Moderately laid back and well muscled.

Upperarm: In balance with shoulder angulation.

Forearm: Straight and strong, parallel when viewed from front.

Metacarpus (Pastern): Short with only a slight slope.

Forefeet: Rounded, arched and tightly knit.


Thigh: Angulation in balance with that of forequarters and strongly muscled.

Stifle (Knee): Well angulated.

Hock joint: Well let down.

Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Viewed from behind, perpendicular to the ground.

Hind feet: As forefeet.

GAIT / MOVEMENT: Flexible and strong movement with good reach and drive, but never with exaggerated reach, drive and speed, keeping level topline and proud carriage of head and tail. Front- and hind legs parallel. Front-and rear movement tend to single-tracking when speed is increased.


Hair: Double coat. Guard coat straight and coarse, undercoat soft and dense. Moderately long on body, longer around neck and shoulders forming a ruff that is more pronounced in males than in females. Back of forelegs covered with feathering diminishing to pasterns. Backside of hindlegs covered with long hair to the hocks. Coat length never to be so exaggerated as to obscure the body shape. The coat is short on head and front of legs.

COLOUR: White with well defined patches. Often in any shade of ‘lemon’, red, fawn, tan, or grey, with or without more or less blackened hair tips, even to the extent of looking tri-coloured, also white with solid black patches. Any shape or distribution of patches accepted, but symmetrical markings on head, covering eyes and ears, preferred, with or without a dark mask and preferably with a white marking around the muzzle. Slight ticking in the white is permissible in an otherwise excellent specimen.


Ideal height at the withers:

Males: Minimum 46 cms, maximum 55 cms.

Females: Minimum 41 cms, maximum 46 cms.


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

· Muzzle too broad.

· Light coloured nose.

· Large round eyes.

· Light eyes.

· Large ears.

· Roach back.

· Swayback.

· Tail carried close on back.

· Tail that falls to either side.

· Lack of ruff and feathering on back of forelegs.

· Movement paddling or waving.

· Oversized or undersized.


· Missing more than 3 teeth.

· All white coat colour or with just some ticking.


· Aggressive or overly shy dogs.

· Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall

be disqualified.

· Overshot or undershot bite.

· Drop ears.

· Natural stubbed tail.

· Curled or kinked tail.

· Short or smooth coat.

· Solid coat colour with only slight white markings.

N.B: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum



Румынская Буковинская овчарка Ciobanesc Romanesc de Bucovina

FCI-Standard N° 357 / 19.05.2009 / GB

ORIGIN : Southeastern Europe.

PATRONAGE : Romania and Serbia.


UTILIZATION : Guardian for flocks and an excellent watchdog.

CLASSIFICATION FCI : Group 2 Pinscher & Schnauzer, Molossoids breeds, Swiss
Mountain and Cattle dogs.
Section 2.2 Mountain type Molossoids.
Without working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : It is a natural breed with its origin in the Carpathian Mountains (Romania and Serbia) and the South of Danube (some regions of Bulgaria). Special attention for the development of the breed arose in the regions of northeastern Romania, the county of Bucovina as well as in the South of the Danube (Serbia) : the well-known transhumance areas of the shepherds since immemorial times. Selection and improvement have lead to the actual type. The breed is successfully used both for defending the flocks and herds and as watchdogs for households in the mentioned regions.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Large sized dog; commanding, haughty and proud. The breed has an obvious sexual dimorphism.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : The length of the body is slightly superior to the height at the withers. The length of the skull is equal to the length of the muzzle.

BEHAVIOUR/CHARACTER : Balanced, calm and loyal, he likes children. It is a very good guardian for flocks, courageous and a real fighter against the possible animals of prey (bear, wolf, and lynx). It has a strong bark. When strangers or animals approach, its barking is very strong, with a low tonality. During the night, it patrols around the household or the flock/herd.

HEAD : Massive but not heavy, slightly higher than the topline.

Skull : Moderately wide, slightly domed. The upper profile of the skull and muzzle are slightly divergent. Viewed from the front, the skull is slightly domed, seen from the side it is almost flat. Skull width: males 16-18 cm, females 15-17 cm, zygomatic arches are moderately developed. Occipital protuberance is slightly evident.
Stop : Slightly pronounced.

Nose : Large, well developed, black.
Muzzle : Blunt, of the same length as the skull; well developed, narrowing progressively towards the nose but never pointed; strong mandible.
Lips : Thick and tight, strong pigmentation.
Jaws/Teeth : Strong jaws; complete dentition, strong, healthy and white teeth, well set; scissor bite. Pincer bite is tolerated.
Cheeks : Not prominent.
Eyes : Small related to the head; almond-shaped and obliquely, brown or slightly light but never yellow. Eyelids well pigmented.
Ears : Relatively high set, "V” shaped with slightly rounded tip, pendent and carried close to cheeks. Cropping is prohibited.

NECK : Medium length, large and strong, without dewlap.

BODY : Good stamina.
Topline : Horizontal.
Withers : Slightly evident.
Back : Strong and muscular.
Loin : Muscular and strong.
Croup : Muscular and moderately inclined towards base of tail.
Chest : Broad and deep, descending to elbows, well sprung ribs.
Underline : Slightly ascendant.

TAIL : High set-on. At rest, it is pendent; reaching to or lower than the hock; when the dog is alert or in action the tail is raised up to the level of the back or slightly above it, with slight upward curve, but never curled over the back. Docking is prohibited.

LIMBS : Upright, seen from the front or the side.

General appearance : Upright, seen from the front or the side.
Shoulders : Long, oblique, well muscled and firmly attached to the body. Scapular-humeral angle approximately 100-110°.
Upper Arm : Moderately long, muscular.
Elbow : Close to the body, free movement.
Forearm : Strong, not too long.
Carpus (wrist) : Strong.
Pastern : Short, slightly slanting.
Forefeet : Oval, compact and massive, toes tight and arched, black or ashen nails.

General appearance : Muscular and strong, normal in stance.
Upper Thigh : Medium long, wide, very muscular.
Stifle : Femoral-tibia angle is aprox. 110°.
Lower thigh : Moderately long, muscular.
Hock : Wide, viewed from the side, moderate angulation. Seen from behind, parallel to median plane of body.
Metatarsus (Rear pastern) : Strong and upright. The presence of dewclaws should not be penalized.
Hind feet : Oval, compact and strong, with black or ashen nails.

GAIT/MOVEMENT : Harmonious, elastic, well coordinated, giving the impression of effortless power. Preferred gait is the trot. Crossover will be penalized.

SKIN : Thick, close fitting, dark-ashen pigmentation.


HAIR : Head and the front part of the legs are covered with short hair. On the body, hair is abundant, long (6-9 cm), flat, straight and rough. Undercoat is shorter, very dense and supple, and of a lighter colour. At the neck region, hair is much longer forming a mane; on the backside of the forequarters, the hair forms fringes; on the backside of hindquarters, the hair is longer and forms culottes. The tail is bushy.

Classical colour : Main colour of coat is a clear white or white-beige with distinct patches of grey, black or black with red-fawn reflections. Black or grey ticks can appear on the legs. Brindle aspect of patches to be rejected.
Solid colours : Solid coloured subjects (without patches) are accepted but not encouraged: white, white-beige, ashen-grey or black.

Height at withers : Males : 68-78 cm, ideal 71-75 cm
Females : 64-72 cm, ideal 66-68 cm
Tolerance : - 4 cm
Weight : In proportion to height

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect on the health and welfare of the dog.

• Lack of substance or too heavy.
• Not sufficient sexual character.
• Absence of 1 tooth other than P1.
• Cropped ears.
• Docked tail.
• Overweight or weak subject.
• Faulty hair or short hair (under 6 cm).
• Hair too long (over 9 cm).
• The absence of mane, or fringes on the legs.
• Tail curled or carried in a ring.
• Flabby toes, toeing in or out.
• Elbows turning out.
• Heavy gait.

• Untypical expression.
• Round, protruding eyes.
• Erect ears.
• Top line sagging or dipping.
• Hair too short.
• Curly coat or bad texture.
• Yellow eyes.
• Different colour of eyes (heterochromatic).
• Cow hocked.

• Aggressive or overly shy.
• Not typical subject.
• Overshot or undershot bite.
• Absence of incisors or canines.
• Albinism.
• Naturally absent or atrophic tail.
• Height under 64 cm or over 82 cm (for males).
• Height under 60 cm or over 78 cm (for females).

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.



Датско-шведский гардхунд Dansk-svensk gаrdshund


FCI-Standard N°356 / 19.05.2009 / GB

Group 2
Section 1.1 : Pinscher and Schnauzer Type : Pinscher


TRANSLATION: Renée Sporre-Willes in collaboration with Jennifer Mulholland.

ORIGIN : Denmark and Sweden


UTILIZATION: Farm- and companion dog

CLASSIFICATION : Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer – Molossoid
breeds –Swiss Mountain and
Cattle Dogs.
Section 1.1 Pinscher Type
Without working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: Recognised in Denmark and Sweden in 1987 under the breed name Danish-Swedish farmdog. The breed has been known for a long time on farms in Denmark and Sweden. The farmdog is used as a watchdog, ratter and companion.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: A small, compact and slightly rectangular dog. Known to mature late.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The body should be slightly rectangular, 9:10. The proportions between depth of chest and height at withers should be 1:2.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT: Alert, attentive and lively.

HEAD: Head should be triangular in shape and a bit small in proportion to body.

Skull: Rather broad and slightly rounded.
Stop: Well defined.

Nose: Colour in accordance with colour of patches.
Muzzle: Well developed and gradually narrowing towards nose but must not give a snipy impression. Muzzle slightly shorter than the skull. Nosebridge straight.
Jaws/teeth: Jaws strong. Scissors bite with even and well developed incisors. Pincer bite tolerated.
Cheeks: Pronounced without exaggeration.
Eyes: Medium sized, slightly rounded, neither protruding nor sunken. Attentive and kind expression. Dark eye colour in dogs with black patches. Slightly lighter eye colour permissible in dogs with yellow or liver brown patches.
Ears: Medium sized. Rose or button, in both cases the fold should be just above the skull. Button ears: The tips should lie close to cheeks.

NECK: Of medium length, strong and slightly arched. No throatiness.

BODY: Compact with good substance.
Loin: Short, broad and slightly arched.
Croup: Slightly rounded.
Chest: Long, deep and roomy with well sprung ribs. Forechest well defined.
Underline and belly: Belly only slightly tucked up.

TAIL: Not set too high. Long tail or naturally short (stumpy tail). Tail should be carried straight, with a slight curve or like a sickle.


General appearance: Forelegs straight and parallel. The front is broader than the ribcage.
Shoulders: Oblique.
Upper arm: Oblique.
Metacarpus (Pastern): Strong and springy.

Forefeet: Small, oval and not tightly knit.

General appearance: Well angulated knee and hock joints. Parallel and well muscled.
Upper thighs: Fairly broad.
Hind feet: See front feet.

GAIT/MOVEMENT: Parallel and free.


HAIR: Short and smooth. Harsh on body.

White dominating. Patches of different colours, sizes and combinations permissible, (black, tan, brown and different shades of fawn). With or without tan markings. Flecking permissible.

Height at withers: Males 34–37 cm
Females 32–35 cm
Tolerance +/- 2 cm.

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect on the health and welfare of the dog.
• Elegant general appearance.
• Narrow in front.
• Low on legs.
• Lack of depth in chest.
• Flat or short ribcage.
• Steep croup.

• Prick ears.
• Neck too long.
• Curled tail or tail carried flat on back.

• Aggressive or overly shy.

Any dog showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.



Торньяк Tornjak


FCI number: 355
Classification F.C.I. : Group 2
Pinschers and Schnauzers - Molossoid breeds – Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs.
Section 2.2 Mountain type.
Without working trial.
Origin: Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia
Utilization: Herding and protection of livestock; farmyard guard dog

Date of publication of original valid standard (FCI): 16.05.2007.
Official date of provisional acceptance by FCI: 01.06.2007.

Brief historical summary
The almost extinct descendants of genetically homogeneous, native archaic types of shepherd dogs have been the foundation stock for the re-creation of the breed "Tornjak”. The dogs belonging to the original stock had been dispersed in mountain areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia and their surrounding valleys.
The major historical dates are the years 1067 and 1374. Written documents from these periods mention the Bosnianherzegovinian-Croatian breed for the first time.
The research about their historical and more recent existence and then a systematic salvation from extinction started simultaneously in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina around 1972 and continuous pure blood breeding began in 1978. Nowadays, the breed population consists of numerous, purebred dogs selected during a series of generations dispersed throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.

The Tornjak is a large and powerful dog, well proportioned and agile. The shape of the body is almost square. The bone is not light, but nevertheless not heavy nor coarse. He is strong, harmonious and well balanced when standing and moving. His coat is long and thick.

The body is almost square. The length of the body should not exceed its height by more than 8%.
The ratio between the length of the skull and the muzzle is 1:1.

Of steady disposition, friendly, courageous, obedient, intelligent, full of dignity and self confidence. Fierce in guarding property entrusted to him, cannot be bribed and is suspicious of strangers. Devoted to his master and very calm in his presence. Very affectionate towards persons living in his immediate vicinity. Learns quickly and keeps this in his memory for a long time, gladly performs tasks assigned to him. He is easy to train.

Elongated. The ratio between the skull and the muzzle is 1:1.

The upper lines of the skull and muzzle are divergent. Supra-orbital arches are slightly visible. The hind part of the skull is elongated but moderately wide. The area from supra-orbital arches to the occiput is flat. The occipital protuberance is very slight.

Stop: Slightly pronounced.

Nose: Large with sufficiently wide nostrils. Should have dark pigmentation. Pigmentation in harmony with the colour of the coat. Depigmentation is not allowed.

Muzzle: Rectangular. The bridge of the nose is perfectly straight.

Lips: Tight fitting with dark pigmentation.

Jaws/teeth: Jaws are very long and strong. Perfect scissor bite with full dentition.

Eyes: Almond shaped, close fitting lids, dark colour. Dark pigmentation on edges of eyelids.

Ears: Of medium size, triangular, folded and pendant, set rather high. Carried close to the cheeks. With shorter hair.

Of medium length, powerful, carried slightly low. Skin tight fitting. Long, abundant coat forming a mane.

Withers: Moderately developed.

Back: Short, taut, moderately broad and straight..

Loin: Connection between chest and croup is short and moderately broad; in females it is a bit longer.

Croup: Of medium length, broad and slightly sloping.

Chest: Very spacious, deep, broad and oval shaped. The lowest point of brisket reaches at least to the elbows. Never barrel shaped. Chest is strong, with moderately pronounced point of sternum.

Underline: Belly well muscled. The underline is not tucked up but gradually slopes up from the end of the sternum to the rear.

Long, set at medium height, very mobile. When relaxed it is hanging and in movement it is always raised over the level of the back , which is characteristic of the breed. Abundantly coated with distinct plume.

Strong and well angulated.

Well developed, strong bones, tight muscles. Parallel and upright when standing.

Shoulders: Of medium length, well laid back. The scapular- humerus angle is about 120°.

Upper arms: Muscular and strong. Almost the same length as shoulders.

Elbows: Moderately close to the body.

Forearms: Strong bones, developed muscles, upright.

Metacarpus (pastern ): Slightly sloping.

Front feet: Toes arched and tightly knit. Nails pigmented, dark pigmentation desirable. Resilient pads, hard and tight, dark pigmentation desirable. Front feet more developed than hind feet.

Strong and parallel. Upright when standing with adequate angulation. Knee well bent.

Upper thighs: Broad, strong, well muscled.

Lower thighs: Well muscled, strong, broad, of the same length as the upper thigh.

Hocks: Firm, set a bit high.

Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Strong.

Possible existence of dewclaws.

Hind feet: Toes arched and tightly knit. Nails pigmented, dark pigmentation desirable. Resilient pads, hard and tight, dark pigmentation desirable.

The Tornjak is a trotter. Movement is well balanced, supple, long reaching, harmonious, with strong drive from hindquarters. In movement the backline is firm.

The skin is thick, well fitting all over the body.


HAIR: In general, the Tornjak is a long coated dog with short hair over the face and legs. The topcoat is long, thick, coarse and straight. It is specially long on the upper part of the croup ; over the shoulders and the back it can also be slightly wavy. On the muzzle and the forehead, up to the imaginary line connecting the ears, over the ears and on the front parts of legs and feet it is short. It is especially abundant around the neck (mane), dense and long over the upper thighs (breeches). It forms feathers along the forearms. With well coated dogs it is also especially abundant on the rear of hind pasterns. The tail is richly coated with very long hair. Winter undercoat is long, very thick and of nice woolly texture. Hair is thick and dense and should not part along the back.

COLOUR: As a rule the Tornjak is parti-coloured with distinct markings of various solid colours. Usually the dominant ground colour is white. There may be dogs with a black mantle and with white markings most often found around the neck, over the head and along the legs. There may also be almost white dogs with only small markings.

Height at withers:

Dogs: 65 - 70 cm

Bitches: 60 – 65 cm

With a tolerance of +/- 2cm

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Bones too fine or too heavy.
Head too fine or too coarse.
Faults with ears (set on, length, coating).
Pincer bite.
Absence of 2 p2, 2 p3. Absence of more than 2 p1.
Back too long.
Roached or saddle back.
Distinctly overbuilt dog.
Faulty angulation.
Elbows turned in or out.
Tail laid on the back.
Poorly coated tail.
Hair of insufficient length.
Dark mask.
Weak feet.

Aggressive or overly shy dogs.
Lack of type (untypical dogs).
Deviation of sexual type.
Anomalies in colour and shape of eyes (wall eyes, vicious expression, different colour of eyes).
Entropion, ectropion.
Overshot or undershot mouth.
Absence of any other teeth than those mentioned above as faults.
Hair too short.
Lack of undercoat.
Kinked tail .
Absence of tail.
Solid coloured dogs.
Untypical distribution of colours over the body.
Diversion from allowed height limits (tolerance included).
Cosmetic treatment of dog or evidence of cosmetic or surgical treatments.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.



Уругвайская дикая собака (Уругвайский симаррон) Cimarrón Uruguayo


ORIGIN : Uruguay

UTILIZATION: Excellent for herding, big game hunting and guard.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I.: Group 2: Pinschers and Schnauzers, Molossoid breeds, Swiss Mountain and Cattle dogs.
Section 2.1: Molossoid, Dogue type. Without working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The origin of the CIMARRÓN URUGUAYO is uncertain. It is known to be descended from the dogs introduced by the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors.
These dogs left in the country crossed among themselves. Natural selection had as a result that only the fitter, the stronger and more clever individuals survived. This is how the Cimarrón was born.
The inhabitants of the time, recognizing the value of these dogs, domesticated them and progressively began to use them successfully as guards of their estates and as herding dogs in their daily work with cattle.


- Height at withers : length = 10 : 11
- Height at withers equal to height at croup.
- Muzzle slightly shorter than skull (measured from the occiput to stop).
- Height to elbow same as from elbow to withers.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: The CIMARRÓN URUGUAYO is a medium sized dog of molossian type, strong, compact, with good bones, well muscled and agile.

TEMPERAMENT / BEHAVIOUR: Balanced, intelligent and of great courage.


Skull : Wider than long. Occiput slightly pronounced.
Stop : Moderate

Nose: Broad, black
Muzzle: Medium width, only slightly shorter than skull.
Lips: Upper lip covers lower lip but is not overhanging.
Jaws/Teeth: Jaws strong, powerful. Teeth strong, well aligned, complete bite. Scissor bite, i.e. upper incisors closely overlapping the lower incisors and set square to the jaws.
Cheeks: Well developed, not bulging.
Eyes: Medium size, almond shape, with inquisitive expression. Any shade of brown and in accordance with coat color, the darker the better. Eyelids tightly fitting eyeball and fully pigmented.
Ears: Medium size, medium set, triangular, dropping but not close to the cheeks. May be cropped, round in shape looking like puma ears, never more than half their length, (Except in countries where ear cropping is forbidden by law).

NECK: Strong, well muscled, medium length.


Top line: Height at the withers is the same as height at the croup. Level or slightly saddle-backed.
Withers: Well defined.
Loin: Short, strong, slightly arched.
Croup: Of good length, broad, sloping at 30º on the horizontal.
Chest: Deep, reaching at least to the elbow. Broad and well developed. Ribs well
sprung, but not barrel shaped. Forechest well defined.

TAIL: Thick, medium set. Reaching the hock. At rest carried down. In motion carried horizontally or slightly upward.


FOREQUARTERS: viewed from the front, straight and parallel.
Shoulder blade: Well laid back.
Upper arms: Same length as the shoulder blades.
Elbows: Neither turned in nor out.
Forearms: Straight. Strong bone.
Pasterns: From the side, slightly sloping
Front feet: Oval shaped, well arched toes. With strong pads

HINDQUARTERS: Well muscled and powerful, seen from behind straight and parallel.
Upper thigh: Well developed
Stifle: Well angulated.
Hocks: Firm, of medium length.
Hind feet: Cat feet, strong pads.

GAIT / MOVEMENT: Effortless . With good reach in front and good drive behind. In movement, seen from the front and from behind, the legs are parallel, tending to single track when speed increases.

SKIN: Thick and supple.


HAIR: Short, smooth, close to the body, with undercoat. Long hair will disqualify
COLOR: Brindle or fawn in all the shadings, with or without mask. Fawns may have black shadings. White marks are allowed in the following places: underjaw, throat, forechest, abdomen and lower part of legs.


Height at withers: Dogs: 58 to 61cm (2 cm. Tolerance)
Bitch: 55 to 58cm (2 cm. Tolerance)

Dogs 38 - 45 kg.
Bitches 33 - 40 kg.

FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Lips excessively pendulous at corners.
Excessive dewlap.
Cheeks too prominent.
More than 2 PM1 missing

White markings with the exception of those mentioned above.
Clear departure from the important proportions.
Lack of sexual dimorphism.
Size under or over the stipulated height (including the tolerance).

Aggressive or overly shy.
Long hair.
Any color not mentioned.
Clear lack of type.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified.



Русский той-терьер Russkiy Toy


Стандарт FCI №352 / 12.06.2006

Происхождение: Россия.

Дата публикации настоящего стандарта: 21.02.2006

Применение: компаньон.

Классификация FCI:  Группа 9.  Тои и собаки-компаньоны.

                                        Секция 9. Континентальные той-спаниели и Русские тои.

                                        Без рабочих испытаний.

Краткая история породы: В начале 20 века одной из самых популярных декоративных собак в России были английские той–терьеры, однако в период с 20-х по 50-е годы их племенное разведение почти не велось и поголовье сократилось до критического уровня. Начиная с середины 50-х годов, российские кинологи взялись за восстановление этой породы. Почти все собранные собаки были без родословных, многие из них были не чистопородными. Стандарт, составленный для той-терьера, оказался резко отличным от стандарта английского той-терьера по многим принципиальным позициям, и с этого момента развитие породы в России пошло своим путем. 12 октября 1958 года в г. Москве от двух гладкошерстных той-терьеров, один из которых имел слегка удлиненную шерсть, родился кобель с эффектными очесами на ушах и конечностях. Было принято решение закрепить это в потомстве, и его повязали с сукой, также имевшей слегка удлиненную шерсть. Так был получен длинношерстный вариант той-терьера, который назвали московский длинношерстный той–терьер. Большую роль в его создании сыграла московский кинолог Жарова Евгения Фоминична. В ходе многолетнего изолированного развития и селекции в специфическом направлении была выведена новая порода – русский той-терьер в его двух вариациях: длинношерстный и гладкошерстный.

Общий вид: Маленькая, элегантная собака, подвижная, высоконогая, с хорошим костяком и сухой мускулатурой. Половой тип морфологически выражен слабо.

Важные пропорции: Формат квадратный. Высота в локте чуть больше половины высоты в холке. Грудь достаточно глубокая.

Поведение\Темперамент: Активное, очень жизнерадостное, не трусливое и не злобное. Значительно заметна разница  в поведении кобелей и сук.

Голова: Небольшая по отношению к корпусу.

Черепная часть:

Череп: Высокий, но не широкий (ширина в скулах не превышает высоту черепа), округлый при осмотре в профиль.

Переход ото лба к морде: Четко выраженный.

Лицевая часть:

Мочка носа: Небольшая, черная или в тон окраса.

Морда: Сухая, заостренная, по длине несколько короче черепной части.

Губы: Тонкие, сухие, плотно прилегающие, темные или в тон окраса.

Челюсти /зубы: Небольшие, белые. Прикус ножницеобразный. Отсутствие двух резцов на каждой челюсти допустимо.

Скулы: Только слегка выраженные.

Глаза: Довольно крупные, округлые, немного выпуклые, широко и прямо посаженные, темные. Веки темные или в тон окраса, плотно прилегающие.

Уши: Большие, тонкие, высоко посаженные, стоячие.

Шея: Длинная, сухая, высокого постава, слегка изогнутая.


Линия верха: Плавно ниспадает от холки до основания хвоста.

Холка: Слегка выражена.

Спина: Крепкая, прямая.

Поясница: Короткая, слегка выпуклая.

Круп: Несколько округлый и немного наклонный.

Грудь: Достаточно глубокая, не очень широкая, овальной формы.

Линия низа: Живот подтянутый, паха подобраны, образуют плавную и красиво изогнутую линию от груди к паху.

Хвост: Коротко купированный (оставляют 2-3 позвонка), собака держит его весело вверх. В странах, где купирование запрещено, хвост оставляют в естественном виде.  Некупированный хвост: серповидный. Не должен опускаться ниже линии спины.


Передние конечности: Стройные и сухие, при осмотре спереди – прямые и параллельные.

Лопатки: Умеренной длины, расположены не слишком наклонно.

Плечевые кости: По длине приблизительно равны лопаткам. Угол плечелопаточного сустава приблизительно 105 градусов.

Локти: Направлены строго назад.

Предплечья: Длинные, прямые.

Запястья: Сухие.

Пясти: Почти отвесные.

Передние лапы: Небольшие, овальные, сводистые, в комке, направлены вперед, когти черные или в тон окраса, подушечки упругие, черные или в тон окраса.

Задние конечности: При осмотре сзади – прямые и параллельные, поставлены чуть шире передних. Все углы сочленений достаточно выражены.

Бедра: С сухой и развитой мускулатурой.

Голени: По длине равны бедрам.

Скакательные суставы: С достаточными углами.

Плюсны: Поставлены вертикально к земле.

Задние лапы: Сводистые, чуть уже передних, когти и подушечки черные или в тон окраса.

Движения: Свободные, прямолинейные, быстрые. Силуэт собаки мало различается в статике и движении.

Кожа: Тонкая, сухая, плотно прилегающая к телу.


Структура: Существует две разновидности: гладкошерстная и длинношерстная.

    Гладкошерстная: шерсть короткая, плотно прилегающая, блестящая, без подшерстка и залысин.
    Длинношерстная: туловище покрыто умеренно длинной (3–5 см) прямой или слегка волнистой, прилегающей шерстью, не скрывающей естественные контуры тела. Шерсть на голове, передней стороне конечностей короткая и плотно прилегающая. На конечностях с задней стороны четко выраженные очесы. На всех лапах удлиненная шелковистая шерсть, полностью скрывающая когти. Уши покрыты густой и длинной шерстью в виде бахромы. У взрослых собак старше трех лет, бахрома должна полностью скрывать внешние кромки и кончики ушей. Шерсть на туловище не должна выглядеть взъерошенной или слишком короткой (менее 2 см).

Окрас: черно-подпалый, коричнево-подпалый, голубо-подпалый. А также рыжий любого оттенка с черным или коричневым налетом либо без него. При любых окрасах предпочтительны более насыщенные тона.

Размер и вес: Высота в холке: кобели и суки: 20-28 см (допустимо отклонение +\- 1см). Вес: кобели и суки: до 3 кг.

Недостатки: Любое отклонение от пунктов в стандарте является недостатком и наказывается пропорционально степени отклонения.

    Робкое поведение.
    Прямой прикус или наклон резцов вперед.
    Полустоячие уши. Если у длинношерстной разновидности это результат утяжеления их шерстью, то это допустимо, но нежелательно.
    Низко посаженный хвост.
    Наличие залысин у короткошерстной разновидности.
    Излишне длинная или слишком короткая шерсть на туловище у длинношерстной разновидности.
    Небольшие белые отметины на груди и пальцах.
    Окрасы черный, коричневый, голубой. Излишняя величина подпалин, а также затемненные подпалины.

Дисквалифицирующие пороки:

    Агрессивность, трусливость.
    Перекус, выраженный недокус. Отсутствие клыка или более двух резцов в каждой из челюстей.
    Висячие уши.
    У короткошерстных – залысины в большом количестве.
    У длинношерстных – отсутствие украшающей шерсти на ушах, курчавость.
    Белый окрас, белые пятна на голове, животе, выше пясти, большие белые пятна на груди и горле, наличие тигровин.
    Рост более 30 см и менее 18 см.
    Вес менее 1 кг.

Любая собака с физическими или психическими аномалиями должна быть дисквалифицирована.

Примечание: Кобели должны иметь два явно нормальных семенника, полностью опущенных в мошонку.



Румынская овчарка миоритик Ciobanesc Romanesc Mioritic


Стандарт FCI №349

История породы. Это древняя порода собак, обитающая в Румынии на территории Карпатских гор. Ещё в IV-V веке жители поселений на территории современного Бухареста использовали этих собак для охоты и охраны пастбищ. Миоритик также упоминаются в известной румынской поэме-балладе «Миорита». Их выносливость, сила и необычайная реакция способствовали их эффективности в поиске и поимке хищников. Благодаря белой шубе, волки ошибочно принимали миоритик за овцу, и были застигнуты врасплох мохнатым «стражем». Несмотря на массивность и кажущуюся неуклюжесть эти румынские овчарки необыкновенно проворны, удивляя тем самым своих противников.

И по сей день основное назначение миоритик — охрана хозяйской собственности и других домашних животных от хищников и воров. Они одинаково ценятся как сельскими жителями, так и городскими, благодаря спокойному характеру и преданности хозяевам. В 1981 году Румынским клубом собаководства был утверждён стандарт породы румынская овчарка миоритик. В 2005 году порода официально признана FCI. Очень сильная собака, производит глубокое впечатление в первую очередь быстрой реакцией и выносливостью. Имеет крепкий костяк и компактное телосложение. Высота в холке кобелей 70-75см, сук — 65-70см. Вес соразмерен с ростом.

Порода признана: FCI, RNCA, NKC, ACR.

Особенности и характер: характер спокойный, уравновешенный. Очень привязывается к «своей семье» и готова защищать её до последнего. Сочетание силы и преданности характеризует эту породу как превосходного сторожа. Будучи преданным своему хозяину, миоритик очень подозрительно относится к незнакомцам. Хорошо ладит с детьми.

Голова: череп средней длины, слегка куполообразный. Скулы неясно выражены. Затылочный бугор хорошо выражен. Верхние контуры черепа и морды почти параллельны. Стоп слабо выражен.

Морда: по длине немного короче черепной части, хорошо развита. Мочка носа широкая, чёрная, хорошо развитая. Губы полные, плотные, хорошо пигментированные. Челюсти мощные, зубы крепкие и здоровые, полный набор. Прикус ножницеобразный. Щёки не выступают.

Глаза: среднего размера, косо поставленные. Цвет — тёмно-коричневые или коричневые, цвета лещины. Жёлтый цвет нежелателен. Веки хорошо пигментированы. Взгляд умный, спокойный.

Уши: посажены относительно высоко, V-образной формы, слегка закруглённые на концах. Длина — 10-15см. Плотно прилегают к щекам, не купируются.

Шея: средней длины, широкая и мощная, без второго подбородка.

Корпус: хорошо развит. Линия верха прямая. Холка умеренно развита. Спина прямая, сильная, мускулистая. Поясница средней длины, широкая и очень мускулистая. Круп мускулистый, умеренно скошенный по направлению к основанию хвоста. Грудь широкая, глубина приблизительно равна половине высоты в холке, рёбра хорошо изогнуты. Живот подобран.

Конечности: передние конечности — плечи умеренной длины, поставлены с небольшим наклоном, мускулатура очень хорошо развита. Угол плечевой лопаточной кости — приблизительно 100°-105°. Предплечья довольно длинные, мощные, мускулистые. Локти прижаты к телу, не повёрнуты ни вовнутрь, ни наружу. Пясти слегка наклонные. Задние конечности — мощные, очень мускулистые, при взгляде сзади — прямые и параллельные. Бёдра длинные, широкие, очень мускулистые. Плюсны не длинные, крепкие, почти вертикальные. Движения — гармоничные, свободные, мощные и лёгкие.

Лапы: компактные, массивные, овальной формы. Задние немного длиннее передних. Пальцы плотно сжаты, аркообразные. Когти пепельно-серого цвета.

Хвост: в движении поднят наверх, слегка изогнут, но не закручивается в кольцо, в состоянии покоя свободно опущен. Не купируется.

Волосяной покров: шерсть, покрывающая голову и тело — густая, жёсткая. Минимальная длина — 10см. Подшерсток более плотный и мягкий, более светлый. На конечностях шерсть более короткая. Хвост хорошо опушен.

Окрас: белый, жёлтый, светло-серый, белый с серыми пятнами.



Румынская Карпатская Овчарка Ciobanesti Romanesti Carpatini


Standard FCI N / 350 / 13.07.2005 (Chien de berger roumain des Carpathes - Carpatin)

ORIGINE: Romania

UTILZARE: Caine ciobanesc utilizat de secole, de catre ciobanii romani din Carpati, pentru paza turmelor, fiind in acelasi timp si un excelent caine de paza.

CLASIFICARE F.C.I.: Grupa 1 Caini ciobanesti si de cireada (fara cainii de cireada elvetieni).

Sectiune 1.1 Caini ciobanesti.

Fara proba de lucru.

SCURT ISTORIC : Ciobanescul Carpatin a fost selectionat dintr-o rasa endemica prezenta in spatiul Carpato-Danubian. De secole, criteriul principal de selectie a fost utilitatea, acest caine pastrandu-si caracterul intact pana in zilele noastre.

Primul standard a fost redactat in 1934 de catre Institutul National de Zootehnie. Acest standard a fost modificat si reactualizat in 1982, 1999 si 2001 de catre Asociatia Chinologica Romana. La 30.03.2002.

Comisia Tehnica a A.Ch.R. a adaptat standardul in conformitate cu modelul propus de Federatia Chinologica Internationala.

ASPECT GENERAL: Caine de talie destul de mare, agil, niciodata greoi, aspectul general fiind acela al unui caine viguros. Corp rectangular, crupa lata, usor inclinata, cutie toracica ampla si inalta, umar lung si usor inclinat. Dimorfismul sexual este bine marcat, masculii trebuind sa fie mai inalti si mai puternici decat femelele.

Lungimea craniului este usor mai mare sau egala cu jumatate din lungimea totala a capului.
Lungimea corpului este intodeauna superioara inaltimii la greaban. Regiunea lombara la femele poate fi putin mai lunga.
Inaltimea pieptului corespunde cu aproximativ jumatate din inaltimea la greaban.

COMPORTAMENT/CARACTER: Caine de paza inascut si curajos, se remarca prin atasamentul instinctiv, neconditionat, fata de turme si fata de stapanul sau. Este un caine cu un comportament demn, calm si echilibrat.

CAP: Tip lupoid.

REGIUNE CRANIANA: Ciobanescul Carpatin este un caine mezocefal, cu un cap puternic dar nu greoi. Fruntea este lata si usor bombata. Craniul este mai lat intre urechi si se ingusteaza progresiv catre stop. Silonul frontal este destul de lung si suficient de bine marcat.

Stop: Moderat, niciodata prea marcat dar nici sters.


Trufa: Mare, lata si intodeauna neagra.

Bot: Puternic, cu o sectiune aproximativ ovala, usor tronconic. Lungimea botului este usor mai mica sau cel mult egala cu lungimea craniului.

Buze: Groase, bine pigmentate, bine aplicate, cu o comisura bine inchisa.

Maxilare/dinti: Maxilare puternice, solide si drepte. Dantura puternica; muscatura in foarfeca, arcadele incisive sunt usor rotunjite.

Obraji: Uscativi, maseteri puternici dar niciodata proeminenti. Pielea este bine intinsa.

Ochi: Migdalati, usor oblici, nu prea mari in raport cu dimensiunile craniului, de culoare brun inchisa.

Nu sunt proeminenti si nici infundati in orbite. Pleoapele sunt negre si imbraca bine forma globului ocular.

Urechi: Nu prea mari, triunghiulare, prinse putin mai sus fata de linia ochiului, cu extremitatea usor rotunjita, bine lipite de obraji.

GAT: Musculos, foarte puternic, de lungime medie, formand un unghi de cca. 50o in raport cu orizontala.

CORP: viguros, bine dezvoltat, de forma usor rectangulara.

Linia superioara: Dreapta si ferma.

Greaban: Putin marcat.

Spate: De lungime potrivita, drept, solid si musculos.

Sale: Puternice si musculoase dar nu prea late, de lungime potrivita, nici prea lungi (linia superioara pierzand astfel din fermitate), nici prea scurte.

Crupa: Musculoasa si lata, de lungime potrivita, usor inclinata, niciodata cazuta.

Piept: Bine dezvoltat, bine coborat pana la nivelul coatelor, destul de lat. Coaste solide, bine arcuite, niciodata in butoi.

Linia inferioara: Potrivit de ridicata, abdomen ridicat dar nu supt si nici cazut.

COADA: Prinsa destul de sus, stufoasa, acoperita de par abundent. In repaos, ea este purtata jos, dreapta sau usor in forma de sabie, atingand punctul jaretului. Cand cainele este atent sau in actiune, ea este purtata ridicata, putand depasi nivelul spatelui; nu este nici culcata si nici rulata pe spate.


MEMBRE ANTERIOARE: Cu osatura puternica.

Vedere de ansamblu: Vazute din fata sau din profil, membrele anterioare au aplomburi bune si sunt perpendiculare pe sol.

Umeri: Solizi, potrivit inclinati.

Coate: Bine apropiate de corp, nedeviate la exterior sau rasucite spre interior.

Antebrat: Drept, foarte viguros, cu sectiune ovala.

Metacarpiene: Scurte, usor inclinate.

Labe anterioare: Ovale, masive, compacte.

MEMBRE POSTERIOARE: Musculoase, cu osatura solida si cu angulatii bune.

Vedere de ansamblu: Cu aplomburi bune.

Coapsa: Lata, foarte musculoasa.

Gamba: Puternica, musculoasa, de lungime potrivita.

Jaret: Solid, ferm, nici prea inalt (determinand astfel o accentuare a angulatiei grasetului), nici prea coborat.

Metatars: Solid, vertical.

Labe posterioare: Ovale, bine dezvoltate si compacte, usor mai mici decat cele anterioare. Degetele sunt arcuite si stranse. Se vor indeparta eventualii pinteni, mai putin in tarile unde aceasta practica este interzisa prin lege. Cuzinetii sunt elastici si rezistenti.

MISCARE: Miscarea este degajata si cu o buna alonja. Trapul este viguros si sustinut. Membrele se misca in planuri paralele.

PIELE: Pigmentata cenusiu. Trufa, marginile pleoapelor si buzele trebuie sa fie de culoare neagra. Se prefera unghiile de culoare cenusie sau neagra.


PAR: Parul este aspru, des si drept. Subparul este dens si moale. Cu exceptia capului si fetelor anterioare ale membrelor unde parul este scurt si plat, parul este abundent pe tot corpul, de lungime potrivita. Pe gat, fata posterioara a membrelor si pe coada, parul este mai lung, abundenta parului in aceste regiuni fiind tipica.

CULOARE: nisipiu-carbunoasa (lupie), cu nuante diferite, adesea mai deschise pe partile laterale si mai inchise deasupra trunchiului; nisipiu-carbunoasa (lupie) cu pete albe, de preferinta nu foarte intinse.


Inaltime la greaban:


·65-73 cm la masculi;

·59-67 cm la femele.

Cu toate acestea, cel mai important este aspectul general.

Greutate: In raport cu talia, dand impresia unui caine puternic dar nu greoi.

DEFECTE : Orice abatere fata de cele de mai sus constituie un defect care se va penaliza in functie de gravitatea abaterii respective.

Orice abatere fata de cele de mai sus si care afecteaza utilitatea.
Constitutie fragila sau prea greoaie.
Ochi de culoare prea deschisa.
Pleoape inferioare foarte cazute, descoperind globul ocular, buze foarte carnoase si comisuri cazute.
Defecte importante de pigmentatie.
Lungime excesiva a corpului (mai mult de 10%) sau corp inscriptibil intr-un patrat.

Exemplare agresive, fricoase sau apatice.
Exemplare clar atipice, cu aspect ce aminteste de acela al molossoizilor.
Lipsa unui P3 si a altui dinte, lipsa unui canin, lipsa unui P4, lipsa unui molar sau lipsa a trei dinti sau mai multi (fara PM1).
Prognatism superior, prognatism inferior, muscatura in cleste.
Osatura foarte fina.
Cutie toracica insuficient dezvoltata.
Lipsa subparului, par altfel decat scurt pe cap si fetele anterioare ale membrelor; par cret sau grifonat, par sarmos, par lung, moale, matasos, formand carare pe mijlocul spatelui.
Depigmentare importanta a pleoapelor, a trufei, a pielii sau a buzelor; heterocromie oculara (ceacar).
Culoare : maron, tigrat, galben sau baltat cu aceste culori.
Exemplare adulte cu o talie sub 62 cm la masculi si sub 58 cm la femele.

Orice caine care prezinta in mod evident anomalii de ordin fizic sau comportamental va fi descalificat.

N.B.: Masculii trebuie sa aiba doua testicule cu aspect normal, complet coborate in scrot.



Австралийская короткохвостая пастушья собака Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog


FCI-Standard N° 351 / 13. 07. 2005 / GB
ORIGIN : Australia.


UTILIZATION : As the name implies the dog’s prime function, and one in which he has no peer, is the control and herding of cattle in both wide open and confined areas, as well as in harsh conditions. Always alert, extremely intelligent, watchful, courageous and trustworthy, with an implicit devotion to duty making it an ideal working cattle dog.

CLASSIFICATION FCI : Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattledogs except Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs.
Section 2 Cattledogs (except Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs)
Without working trials.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The "Stumpy Tail” has a long history in Australia and was carefully bred for herding cattle in the early-19th Century. There are two schools of thought as to the actual founder of the breed. The first version is a Thomas Simpson Hall; cross-mated the Northern English herding dogs, Smithfields with the indigenous Australian Dingos creating the first Australian cattle dog to be known as Hall’s Heeler (circa 1830). The second version a drover named Timmins of Bathurst New South Wales in 1830 mated a Smithfields with the Australian Native Dog, the Dingo, the progeny, red bob-tailed dogs were known as "TIMMINS BITERS”. The dogs were great workers, but proved to be too severe on the stock. Another cross was needed. A smooth haired blue merle Collie was introduced, this established an excellent all round dog, the ancestor of the present day Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog.

The Smithfield introduced the natural bob-tail, the Dingo the red colouring as well as a natural acceptance of the harsh outback conditions. The blue colouring came from the blue merle Collie, which were also known as German Coolies.
Generally "Stumpy Tails”were bred in the spacious rural areas of Australia and only a small number were registered in the Stud Books. In 2001, this long-standing breed was renamed the Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Shall be that of a well proportioned working dog, rather square in profile with a hard-bitten, rugged appearance, and sufficient substance to convey the impression of the ability to endure long periods of arduous work under whatsoever conditions may prevail.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : The "Stumpy" possesses a natural aptitude in the working and control of cattle, and a loyal, courageous and devoted disposition. It is ever alert, watchful and obedient, though suspicious of strangers. At all times it must be amenable to handling in the Show ring.


Skull : Broad between the ears and flat, narrowing slightly to the eyes.
Stop : Slight but definite.

FACIAL REGION : The foreface is of moderate length, well filled up under the eye, the deep powerful jaws tapering to a blunt strong muzzle.
Nose : Black, irrespective of the colour of the dog.
Muzzle : Blunt and strong.
Jaws/teeth : The teeth are strong, sound and regularly spaced. The lower incisors close behind and just touching the upper.

Cheeks : Muscular without coarseness.
Eyes : The eyes should be oval in shape, of moderate size, neither full nor prominent, with alert and intelligent yet suspicious expression, and of dark brown colour.
Ears : The ears are moderately small, pricked and almost pointed. Set on high yet well apart. Leather moderately thick. The inner side of the ear should be well furnished with hair.

NECK : The neck is of exceptional strength, arched, muscular and of medium length, broadening to blend into the body, free from throatiness.

BODY : The length of the body from the point of the breast-bone to the point of buttocks should be equal to the height of the withers. Back : Level, broad and strong.
Loins : Deep and muscular.
Chest : The well sprung ribs taper at the lower half, to a deep moderately broad chest.

TAIL : The tail is undocked, of a natural length not exceeding 10 cm (4 ins), set on high but not carried much above the level of the back.


FOREQUARTERS : Well-boned and muscular. Viewed from any angle they are perfectly straight.
Shoulders : Clean, muscular and sloping.
Elbows : Parallel to the body.

HINDQUARTERS : Broad, powerful and muscular. When viewed from behind the hind legs from hock to feet are straight, and placed neither close nor too wide apart.
Thigh : Well developed.
Stifle : Moderately turned.
Hock : Strong, moderately let down with sufficient bend.

FEET : The feet should be round, strong, deep in pads with well arched toes, closely knit. Nails strong, short and of dark colour.

GAIT/MOVEMENT : Soundness is of paramount importance. The action is true, free, supple and tireless, the movement of the shoulders and forelegs in unison with the powerful thrust of the hindquarters. Capability of quick and sudden movement is essential.


HAIR : The outer coat is moderately short, straight, dense and of medium harsh texture. The undercoat is short, dense and soft. The coat around the neck is longer, forming mild ruff. The hair on the head, legs and feet, is short.
• Blue : The dog should be blue or blue mottled, whole coloured. The head may have black markings. Black markings on the body are permissible.
• Red Speckle : The colour should be a good even red speckle all over, including the undercoat (not white or cream), with or without darker, red markings on the head. Red patches on the body are permissible.

Height: Dogs 46-51 cms (18-20 ins) at withers.
Bitches 43-48 cms (17-19 ins) at withers.

Dogs or bitches over or under these specified sizes are undesirable.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

• Brown or flesh coloured nose.
• Pink eye rims.
• Undershot or overshot jaws.
• Tail exceeding 10 cm (4 ins).
• Loaded or slack shoulders.
• Straight shoulder placement.
• Weakness at elbows, pasterns or feet.
• Stiltiness of hindquarters.
• Bow or cow hocks.
• Pink or white toe nails.
• White or cream coat colour.

• Aggressive or overly shy temperament.
• Docked tail.
• Tan markings.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.



Тайваньская собака Taiwan Dog


FCI-Standard N° 348 / 22. 11. 2004 / GB

Группа 5. Шпицы и примитивные - охотничьи (по крупному зверю)

Секция 7. Примитивные — для охотничьего применения

страна: Тайвань

ORIGIN : Taiwan.



UTILIZATION : Hunting dog, watch dog, companion dog.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 5 Spitz and primitive types.
Section 7 Primitive Type – Hunting Dogs.
Without working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : Taiwan Dogs are originally native Taiwanese dogs, descendants of the South Asian hunting dogs called "Pariah dog” which ancient local inhabitants used to live with in the central mountainous districts. This breed was the loyal companion of the ancient hunter in the wildforest. In 1980, a cooperative study was carried out by the National Taiwan University, Japan Gifu University and Nagoya University Scholars on the subject of native Taiwan dogs, by visiting twenty-nine tribes of local inhabitants. As a result, it was confirmed that the present Taiwan Dog is a descendant of the South Asian hunting dogs. This breed is now popular all across the island as a watch and companion dog.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Medium-sized dog with triangular head, almond eyes, thin prick ears and sickle tail. Dry, sinewy, well-balanced.

Depth of chest : Height at the withers = 4.5 – 4.7 : 10.
Height at withers : Length of body = 10 : 10.5. Bitches are allowed to be slightly longer.
Length of muzzle : Length of skull = 4.5 : 5.5.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Extremely faithful to his master, keen in sense, alert in movement, bold and fearless.

Forehead : Broad and roundish, without wrinkle.
Skull : The skull is slightly longer than the muzzle.
Stop : Well defined with a slight furrow.

Nose : Moderate size. Nostrils wide. Black in colour, but can be slightly lighter in all colours except for the blacks.
Muzzle : Nasal bridge flat. Lips tight, without flews. The muzzle tapers a little from base to nose, but is not pointed at the tip.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws are strong. Scissors bite, teeth are set square to the jaws.
Cheeks : Well developed and slightly protruding.
Eyes : Almond in shape. Dark brown in colour. Brown is also acceptable, but yellow or light eyes should be avoided.
Ears : Pricked, set on sides of the skull at an angle of 45 degrees. Inside of the outline is straight, while outside of the outline is slightly rounded.

NECK : Muscular, strong, good length, slightly arched. Without dewlap.
General : Sinewy and muscular, nearly square in shape.
Back : Straight and short. Withers well developed.
Loin : Firmly muscled.
Croup : Broad. Flat or very slightly sloping and short.
Chest : Fairly deep yet not reaching the elbow. Forechest slightly protruding. Ribs are well sprung.
Belly : Well tucked up.

TAIL : In the shape of a sickle, set on high, carried erect, active, with the tip curving forward.

Shoulders : Well muscled. Shoulder blades are laid back. They should meet the upper arms at an angle of 105-110 degrees.
Elbows : Close to the body.
Forearms : Straight and parallel to each other
Metacarpus (Pasterns) : Firm.
HINDQUARTERS : Hindlegs should be slender, with good bone, well muscled and parallel to each other. The rear angulation should be in balance to the front.
Upper thighs : Broad, sloping and well bent at the stifle.
Lower thighs : Should be in balance with upper thighs.
Metatarsus (Rear pastern) : Perpendicular to the ground.

FEET : Turning neither in nor out. Pads are firm and thick. Nails are black in colour, but lighter colours are acceptable in all colours except for the blacks.

GAIT / MOVEMENT : Powerful gait with reaching stride. Agile enough to easily turn 180 degrees quickly.

COAT HAIR : Short and hard, lying tight to the body. Length is between 1.5 to 3 cm.

COLOUR : Black, brindle, fawn, white, white and black, white and fawn, white and brindle.

Height : Dogs : 48 cm - 52 cm.
Bitches : 43 cm - 47 cm.
Weight : Dogs : 14 kg to 18 kg.
Bitches : 12 kg to 16 kg.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Level bite.
Lack of teeth is to be penalized, but lack of less than 3 PM1 is acceptable.
Protruding eyes.
Too straight front and rear angulations.
Oversize, undersize.
Aggressive or overly shy.
Ears not pricked.
Extremely long hair (exceeding 4.5 cm).
Missing canine tooth.
Curled tail.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


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